Sunday 20 April 2014


That was the last of it, then. 

The experience was fun and entertaining. Some of my wishlist rare cards were not pulled (e.g. Kai, Daishi), but otherwise I got some of my other favorite 'mechs and personalities.

Until the next unboxing!

Day 40

Here are the contents of the last opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Stealth (STH-1D) Unit C
  • Dasher Prime (Fire Moth) Unit C
  • Grim Reaper (GRM-R-PR29) Unit C
  • Cicada (CDA-3M) Unit C
  • Inside Job Command C
  • Deploy Reinforcements Mission C
  • Night Gyr B Unit C
  • Ryoken C (Stormcrow) Unit C
  • Grasshopper (GHR-5H) Unit C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit C
  • Blackjack (BJ2-OB) Unit U
  • Last Stand at Hanover Mission U
  • Firefly (FFL-4B) Unit U
  • Rocky Gorge Command U
  • Black Lanner Prime Unit R

Saturday 19 April 2014

Day 39

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Koshi B (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • Move to Partial Cover Mission C
  • Victor (VTR-9K) Unit C
  • Pouncer B Unit C
  • Spider Revised (SDR-7M) Unit C
  • Snake (SNK-1V) Unit C
  • 'Mech Trap Command C
  • Panther (PNT-9R) Unit C
  • Man O' War Prime (Gargoyle) Unit C
  • Jenner (JR7-D) Unit C
  • Training Facility Command U
  • Flea (FLE-17) Unit U
  • Thumper Battery Command U
  • Kraken (Bane) Unit U
  • Creative Terraforming Command R

Friday 18 April 2014

Day 38

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Spider Revised (SDR-7M) Unit C
  • Move to Partial Cover Mission C
  • 'Mech Trap Command C
  • Pouncer B Unit C
  • Man O' War Prime (Gargoyle) Unit C
  • Snake (SNK-1V) Unit C
  • Jenner (JR7-D) Unit C
  • Panther (PNT-9R) Unit C
  • Daimyo (DMO-1K) Unit C
  • Com Guard Response Team Mission C
  • Assassin (ASN-23) Unit U
  • Blood of Kerensky Command U
  • Hercules (HRC-LS-9000) Unit U
  • ComStar Investment Command U
  • Arms Reduction Command R

Thursday 17 April 2014

Day 37

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Atlas (AS7-D) Unit C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command C
  • 'Mech Hangar Command C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit C
  • Puma Prime (Adder) Unit C
  • Tempest Revised (TMP-3M) Unit C
  • Thunder (THR-1L) Unit C
  • Move to Partial Cover Mission C
  • Feint Mission C
  • Pouncer B Unit C
  • Firestarter (FS9-OD) Unit U 
  • Field Command Post Command U
  • Thor D (Summoner) Unit U
  • Accelerated Turnaround Command U
  • St. Ives Salvage Crew Command R

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day 36

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in the order of rarity:

  • Puma A (Adder) Unit C
  • Jenner IIC Unit C
  • Hunchback Revised (HBK-5M) Unit C
  • Banshee (BNC-5S) Unit C
  • Redline Pilot Command C
  • Topple Mission C
  • Black Hawk D (Nova) Unit C
  • Mad Cat Prime (Timber Wolf) Unit C
  • Wolfhound (WLF-2) Unit C
  • Dragon (DRG-1N) Unit C
  • Daikyu (DA1-01) Unit U
  • Rapid Cool-Down Mission U
  • Avatar (AV1-OC) Unit U
  • Civilian Settlement Command U
  • Komodo (KIM-2) Unit R

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 35

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Misrouted Command Command C
  • Sharpshooter Command C
  • Corvis Unit C
  • Jenner IIC Unit C
  • Hermes II (HER-5S) Unit C
  • Banshee (BNC-5S) Unit C
  • Vicious Kick Mission C
  • Topple Mission C
  • Puma A (Adder) Unit C
  • Mad Cat Prime (Timber Wolf) Unit C
  • Kintaro (KTO-19) Unit U
  • Death from Above Mission U
  • Puma D (Adder) Unit U
  • Point Defense System Command U
  • Gallowglas (GAL-1GLS) Unit R

Monday 14 April 2014

Day 34

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Awesome Revised (AWS-9M) Unit C
  • Zeus (ZEU-9S) Unit C
  • Phantom Prime Unit C
  • Brutal Punch Mission C
  • UrbanMech IIC Unit C
  • Strip Mining Operation Command C
  • Commando (COM-5S) Unit C
  • Grand Dragon (DRG-5K) Unit C
  • ComStar Support Command C
  • Linebacker B Unit C
  • Anvil Revised (ANV-3M) Unit U
  • Rolling Hills Command U
  • Nobori-nin A (Huntsman) Unit U
  • Relentless Assault Mission U
  • Hitman (HM-1) Unit R

Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 33

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Awesome Revised (AWS-9M) Unit C
  • Zeus (ZEU-9S) Unit C
  • Brutal Punch Mission C
  • Uller B (Kit Fox) Unit C
  • UrbanMech IIC Unit C
  • Phantom Prime Unit C
  • Commando (COM-5S) Unit C
  • Strip Mining Operation Command C
  • ComStar Support Command C
  • Grand Dragon (DRG-5K) Unit C
  • Heavy Woods Command U
  • Turkina A Unit U
  • Contract with Northwind Highlanders Command U
  • Exterminator (EXT-4D) Unit U
  • Berserker Revised (BRZ-A3) Unit R

Saturday 12 April 2014

Day 32

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Grand Titan Revised (T-IT-N10M) Unit C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit C
  • Think Tank Command C
  • Vulture C (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-4G) Unit C
  • Black Hawk Prime (Nova) Unit C
  • Fenris D (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Enforcer (ENF-5D) Unit C
  • Tactical Advantage Mission C
  • Hidden Reserves Command C
  • Nightsky Revised (NGS-4S) Unit U
  • Laser System Retrofit Command U
  • Naga D Unit U
  • Targeting Computer Retrofit Command U
  • Orion (ON1-M) Unit R

Friday 11 April 2014

Day 31

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted in order of rarity:

  • Dasher Prime (Fire Moth) Unit C
  • Grand Titan Revised (T-IT-N10M) Unit C
  • Cicada (CDA-3M) Unit C
  • Vulture C (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • Deploy Reinforcements Mission C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-4G) Unit C
  • Ryoken C (Stormcrow) Unit C
  • Hidden Reserves Command C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit C
  • Fenris D (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Ryoken D (Stormcrow) Unit U
  • Corridor of Fire Command U
  • Gunslinger (GUN-1ERD) Unit U
  • C3 Retrofit Command U
  • Solaris Games Veteran Command R

Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 30

Here are the cards from today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Falcon Hawk (FNHK-9K1A) Unit C
  • Caesar Revised (CES-3R) Unit C
  • Gearhead Command C
  • Dasher Prime (Fire Moth) Unit C
  • Pouncer C Unit C
  • Cicada (CDA-3M) Unit C
  • Intimidating Paint Job Command C
  • Deploy Reinforcements Mission C
  • Blackjack (BJ-2) Unit C
  • Taking the Hit Mission C
  • Ryoken C (Stormcrow) Unit C
  • Pushing the Envelope Mission U
  • Crockett (CRK-5003-1) Unit U
  • Recon Pilot Command U
  • Mauler (MAL-1R) Unit R

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 29

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • 'Mech Hangar Command C
  • Snake (SNK-1V) Unit C
  • Puma Prime (Adder) Unit C
  • Panther (PNT-9R) Unit C
  • Thunder (THR-1L) Unit C
  • Jenner (JR7-D) Unit C
  • Atlas (AS7-D) Unit C
  • Pouncer B Unit C
  • Peregrine (Horned Owl) Unit C
  • Move to Partial Cover Mission C
  • Puma C (Adder) Unit U
  • Bait and Switch Mission U
  • Black Knight (BL6-KNT) Unit U
  • Lance Commander Command U
  • Dr. Ariel Reed Command R

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Day 28

Interesting pull in today's opened booster... 

Here is the list of cards sorted by rarity:

  • Atlas (AS7-D) Unit C
  • Fenris C (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Huron Warrior (HUR-W0-R4L) Unit C
  • 'Mech Hangar Command C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command C
  • Puma Prime (Adder) Unit C
  • Thunder (THR-1L) Unit C
  • Feint Mission C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit C
  • Tempest Revised (TMP-3M) Unit C
  • Overwhelm Mission U
  • Spider (SDR-5V) Unit U
  • Missile Rack Retrofit Command U
  • Firestarter (FS9-OD) Unit U 
  • Atlas Revised (AS7-K) Unit R

Monday 7 April 2014

Day 27

Nice rare card pull today. However, I already have a copy of this one.

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted in order of rarity:

  • Feint Mission C
  • Huron Warrior (HUR-W0-R4L) Unit C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command C
  • Fenris C (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Thunder (THR-1L) Unit C
  • Puma Prime (Adder) Unit C
  • Victor (VTR-9K) Unit C
  • Koshi B (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • Tempest Revised (TMP-3M) Unit C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit C
  • Bait and Switch Mission U
  • Puma C (Adder) Unit U
  • Black Knight (BL6-KNT) Unit U
  • Lance Commander Command U
  • Yen-Lo-Wang (CN9-YLW) Unit R

Sunday 6 April 2014

Day 26

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted in order of rarity:

  • Misrouted Command Command C
  • UrbanMech (UM-R63) Unit C
  • Corvis Unit C
  • Hermes II (HER-5S) Unit C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-5M) Unit C
  • Sharpshooter Command C
  • Vicious Kick Mission C
  • Jenner IIC Unit C
  • Puma A (Adder) Unit C
  • Banshee (BNC-5S) Unit C
  • Difficult Terrain Command U
  • Sunder (SD1-OB) Unit U
  • OmniMech-Pod Cache Command U
  • Kintaro (KTO-19) Unit U
  • Morgan Kell Command R

Saturday 5 April 2014

Day 25

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Quickdraw (QKD-5M) Unit C
  • Vicious Kick Mission C
  • Hermes II (HER-5S) Unit C
  • Galahad (Glass Spider) Unit C
  • UrbanMech (UM-R63) Unit C
  • Corvis Unit C
  • Misrouted Command Command C
  • Dervish (DV-7D) Unit C
  • Sharpshooter Command C
  • Critical Hit Mission C
  • Naga Prime Unit U
  • Difficult Terrain Command U
  • Sunder (SD1-OB) Unit U
  • OmniMech-Pod Cache Command U
  • Contract with Gray Death Legion Command R

Friday 4 April 2014

Day 24

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted in order of rarity:

  • Awesome Revised (AWS-9M) Unit C
  • Uller B (Kit Fox) Unit C
  • Brutal Punch Mission C
  • Zeus (ZEU-9S) Unit C
  • UrbanMech IIC Unit C
  • Phantom Prime Unit C
  • Commando (COM-5S) Unit C
  • Strip Mining Operation Command C
  • ComStar Support Command C
  • Grand Dragon (DRG-5K) Unit C
  • Hellhound (Conjurer) Unit U
  • Missile Spotter Mission U
  • Catapult (CPLT-C1) Unit U
  • Sandhurst Royal Military Academy Command U
  • Rhonda Snord Command R

Thursday 3 April 2014

Day 23

Today's opened booster's contents:

Cards listed in the order of rarity:
  • Daimyo (DMO-1K) Unit C
  • Kintaro (KTO-20) Unit C
  • Com Guard Response Team Mission C
  • Critical Hit Mission C
  • Galahad (Glass Spider) Unit C
  • Vulture Prime (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • UrbanMech (UM-R63) Unit C
  • Catapult (CPLT-C3) Unit C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-5M) Unit C
  • Dervish (DV-7D) Unit C
  • Thumper Battery Command U
  • Naginata (NG-C3A) Unit U
  • Training Facility Command U
  • Flea (FLE-17) Unit U
  • Assault on the Rear Echelon Command R

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Day 22

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted in order of rarity:

  • Overrun Mission C
  • Hermes (HER-1S) Unit C
  • Grendel Prime Unit C
  • Strafing Run Command C
  • Aerospace Fighter Mission Command C
  • Wyvern IIC Unit C
  • Whitworth (WTH-1) Unit C
  • Wraith (TR1) Unit C
  • Good Shooting! Mission C
  • Koshi Prime (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • Temporary Cease-Fire Mission U
  • Coventry Metal Works Command U
  • Uller D (Kit Fox) Unit U
  • Targeting Ace Command U
  • Wyvern (WVE-5N) Unit R

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Day 21

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Falcon Hawk (FNHK-9K1A) Unit C
  • Blackjack (BJ-2) Unit C
  • Gearhead Command C
  • Dasher Prime (Fire Moth) Unit C
  • Caesar Revised (CES-3R) Unit C
  • Cicada (CDA-3M) Unit C
  • Pouncer C Unit C
  • Taking the Hit Mission C
  • Ryoken C (Stormcrow) Unit C
  • Deploy Reinforcements Mission C
  • Underworld Connections Command U
  • Mongoose (MON-66) Unit U
  • Cerberus (MR-V2) Unit U
  • Studied Move Mission U
  • Morgan Hasek-Davion Command R

Monday 31 March 2014

Day 20

At the halfway mark, here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Katana (CRK-5003-2) Unit C
  • Black Hawk A (Nova) Unit C
  • Heroic Sacrifice Mission C
  • Victor (VTR-9B) Unit C
  • Linebacker Prime Unit C
  • Forged Mission Orders Mission C
  • Awesome (AWS-8Q) Unit C
  • Supernova Unit C
  • Treachery! Command C
  • Trebuchet (TBT-5N) Unit C
  • Loki B (Hellbringer) Unit U
  • Unnamed Sources Command U
  • Imp Revised (IMP-3E) Unit U
  • For the Chancellor! Mission U
  • Marissa Morgan Command R

Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 19

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Caesar Revised (CES-3R) Unit C
  • Gearhead Command C
  • Pouncer C Unit C
  • Dasher Prime (Fire Moth) Unit C
  • Treachery! Command C
  • Falcon Hawk (FNHK-9K1A) Unit C
  • Taking the Hit Mission Richard C
  • Deploy Reinforcements Mission C
  • Blackjack (BJ-2) Unit C
  • Cicada (CDA-3M) Unit C
  • Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy Command U
  • Anvil Revised (ANV-3M) Unit U
  • Nobori-nin A (Huntsman) Unit U
  • Rolling Hills Command U
  • Communications Failure Mission R

Saturday 29 March 2014

Day 18

Here are the contents of today's  opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Inside Job Command C
  • Fenris C (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Night Gyr B Unit C
  • Huron Warrior (HUR-W0-R4L) Unit C
  • Grasshopper (GHR-5H) Unit C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command C
  • Thorn (THE-N) Unit C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit C
  • Tracking System Failure Command C
  • Unopposed Mission C
  • Tempest Revised (TMP-3M) Unit C
  • Clint Revised (CLNT-2-3U) Unit U
  • Gladiator A (Executioner) Unit U
  • St. Ives Operations Officer Command U
  • Bearer of McKennsy Hammer Command R

Friday 28 March 2014

Day 17

Contents of today's booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:
  • Hermes (HER-1S) Unit C
  • Dragon (DRG-1N) Unit C
  • Wyvern IIC Unit C
  • Black Hawk D (Nova) Unit C
  • Strafing Run Command C
  • Overrun Mission C
  • Whitworth (WTH-1) Unit C
  • Wolfhound (WLF-2) Unit C
  • Redline Pilot Command C
  • Hunchback Revised (HBK-5M) Unit C
  • Difficult Terrain Command U
  • Naga Prime Unit U
  • Sunder (SD1-OB) Unit U
  • OmniMech-Pod Cache Command U
  • Scarabus (SCB-9A) Unit R

Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 16

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards in order of rarity:

  • Thorn (THE-N) Unit C
  • Unopposed Mission C
  • Think Tank Command C
  • Black Hawk Prime (Nova) Unit C
  • Enforcer (ENF-5D) Unit C
  • Tactical Advantage Mission C
  • Atlas (AS7-D) Unit C
  • Hunchback (HBK-4G) Unit C
  • 'Mech Hangar Command C
  • Tracking System Failure Command C
  • Peregrine (Horned Owl) Unit C
  • Clint Revised (CLNT-2-3U) Unit U
  • Gladiator A (Executioner) Unit U
  • St. Ives Operations Officer Command U
  • Coordinator Theodore Kurita Command R

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 15

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Stealth (STH-1D) Unit C
  • Grim Reaper (GRM-R-PR29) Unit C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command C
  • Uller Prime (Kit Fox) Unit C
  • Defensive Formation Mission C
  • Fenris C (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Huron Warrior (HUR-W0-R4L) Unit C
  • Jagermech (JM6-DD) Unit C
  • Hunchback (HBK-4G) Unit C
  • For the Chancellor! Mission U
  • Imp Revised (IMP-3E) Unit U
  • Unnamed Sources Command U
  • Loki B (Hellbringer) Unit U
  • Blow the Pass! Mission R

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Day 14

Interesting! It seems like I may consider another Great House faction for my extra starter deck, because I pulled another House leader in today's booster:

Here is the full list, sorted by rarity:

  • Daimyo (DMO-1K) Unit C
  • Com Guard Response Team Mission C
  • Vulture Prime (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • Catapult (CPLT-C3) Unit C
  • Dervish (DV-7D) Unit C
  • Repair Facility Command C
  • Pouncer Prime Unit C
  • Kintaro (KTO-20) Unit C
  • Galahad (Glass Spider) Unit C
  • Critical Hit Mission C
  • Puma D (Adder) Unit U
  • Point Defense System Command U
  • Death from Above Mission U
  • Naginata (NG-C3A) Unit U
  • Thomas Marik Command R

Monday 24 March 2014

Day 13

Big update today! 

I received my order from the web for two CE Starter Decks (Smoke Jaguar and Lyran Alliance):

Thus, I now have all eight Starter Sets for Commander's Edition! 

I actually have an extra starter deck (FedSuns) which I am likely going to convert to another Great House's deck. 

Speaking of which, today's opened booster pack might be hinting at what it could be...

Here is the list of cards in order of rarity:

  • Panther (PNT-9R) Unit C
  • Snake (SNK-1V) Unit C
  • Jenner (JR7-D) Unit C
  • Man O' War Prime (Gargoyle) Unit C
  • Victor (VTR-9K) Unit C
  • Repair Facility Command C
  • Pouncer Prime Unit C
  • Koshi B (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • 'Mech Trap Command C
  • Spider Revised (SDR-7M) Unit C
  • Spider (SDR-5V) Unit U
  • Missile Rack Retrofit Command U
  • Kraken (Bane) Unit U
  • Overwhelm Mission U
  • Sun-Tzu Liao Command R

Sunday 23 March 2014

Day 12

Here are the contents of today's opened booster:

Cards sorted by rarity:

  • Linebacker Prime Unit C
  • Awesome (AWS-8Q) Unit C
  • Victor (VTR-9B) Unit C
  • Forged Mission Orders Mission C
  • Katana (CRK-5003-2) Unit C
  • Trebuchet (TBT-5N) Unit C
  • Black Hawk A (Nova) Unit C
  • Treachery! Command C
  • Heroic Sacrifice Mission C
  • Supernova Unit C
  • Black Market Connections Command U
  • Vindicator Revised (VND-3L) Unit U
  • Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy Command U
  • Phantom B Unit U
  • Dasher B (Fire Moth) Unit R

Saturday 22 March 2014

Day 11

Contents of booster pack opened today:

Card pulls sorted by rarity:
  • Hermes (HER-1S) Unit C
  • Overrun Mission C
  • Grendel Prime Unit C
  • Aerospace Fighter Mission Command C
  • Strafing Run Command C
  • Wyvern IIC Unit C
  • Whitworth (WTH-1) Unit C
  • Good Shooting! Mission C
  • Koshi Prime (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • Wraith (TR1) Unit C
  • Dragonfly B (Viper) Unit U
  • Arrow IV Battery Command U
  • Work Stoppage Command U
  • Venom Revised (SDR-9K) Unit U
  • Dragonfly A (Viper) Unit R

Friday 21 March 2014

Day 10

Today's booster pack contents:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Awesome (AWS-8Q) Unit C
  • Victor (VTR-9B) Unit C
  • Linebacker B Unit C
  • Linebacker Prime Unit C
  • Supernova Unit C
  • Trebuchet (TBT-5N) Unit C
  • Black Hawk A (Nova) Unit C
  • Heroic Sacrifice Mission C
  • Katana (CRK-5003-2) Unit C
  • Forged Mission Orders Mission C
  • Hussar (HSR 200-D) Unit U
  • Double-Time Offense Command U
  • Hatamoto-Chi (HTM-27T) Unit U
  • Relentless Assault Mission U
  • Behemoth (Stone Rhino) Unit R

Thursday 20 March 2014

Day 9

Here are the contents of the booster opened today:

Cards listed in order of rarity:

  • Koshi B (Mist Lynx) Unit C
  • 'Mech Trap Command C
  • Spider Revised (SDR-7M) Unit C
  • Feint Mission C
  • Victor (VTR-9K) Unit C
  • Pouncer Prime Unit C
  • Repair Facility Command C
  • Kintaro (KTO-20) Unit C
  • Critical Hit Mission C
  • Galahad (Glass Spider) Unit C
  • ComStar Investment Command U
  • Blood of Kerensky Command U
  • Hercules (HRC-LS-9000) Unit U
  • Assassin (ASN-23) Unit U
  • Guillotine (GLT-5M) Unit R

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Day 8

Contents of today's opened booster:

Cards in the order of rarity:
  • Grim Reaper (GRM-R-PR29) Unit C
  • Stealth (STH-1D) Unit C
  • Uller Prime (Kit Fox) Unit C
  • Hunchback (HBK-4G) Unit DC
  • Tactical Advantage Mission C
  • Enforcer (ENF-5D) Unit C
  • Black Hawk Prime (Nova) Unit C
  • Think Tank Command C
  • Defensive Formation Mission C
  • Jagermech (JM6-DD) Unit C
  • Firefly (FFL-4B) Unit U
  • Rocky Gorge Command U
  • Last Stand at Hanover Mission U
  • Blackjack (BJ2-OB) Unit U
  • Thor B Revised (Summoner) Unit R

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Day 7

Today's booster contents:

Cards in the order of rarity:

  • Linebacker B Unit C
  • Black Hawk A (Nova) Unit C
  • Katana (CRK-5003-2) Unit C
  • Awesome (AWS-8Q) Unit C
  • Heroic Sacrifice Mission C
  • Trebuchet (TBT-5N) Unit C
  • Supernova Unit C
  • Linebacker Prime Unit C
  • Victor (VTR-9B) Unit C
  • Forged Mission Orders Mission C
  • Fanatical Leader Command U
  • Rakshasa (MDG-1A) Unit U
  • Uller D (Kit Fox) Unit U
  • Targeting Ace Command U
  • Evantha Fetladral Command R

Monday 17 March 2014

Day 6

Here are the contents of today's opened booster pack:

Cards listed by rarity:

  • Enforcer (ENF-5D) Unit C
  • Black Hawk Prime (Nova) Unit C
  • Hidden Reserves Command C
  • Fenris D (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-4G) Unit C
  • Ryoken C (Stormcrow) Unit C
  • Grand Titan Revised (T-IT-N10M) Unit C
  • Vulture C (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • Think Tank Command C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit C
  • Vindicator Revised (VND-3L) Unit U
  • Studied Move Mission U
  • Phantom B Unit U
  • Black Market Connections Command U
  • Contract with Eridani Light Horse Command R

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 5

Unsealed and opened the booster box today:

Booster opened:

Pulls in order of rarity:

  • Grand Titan Revised (T-IT-N10M) Unit C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit C
  • Vulture C (Mad Dog) Unit C
  • Think Tank Command C
  • Fog-Shrouded Moors Command U
  • Fenris D (Ice Ferret) Unit C
  • Tactical Advantage Mission C
  • Hidden Reserves Command C
  • Enforcer (ENF-5D) Unit C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-4G) Unit C
  • Black Hawk Prime (Nova) Unit C
  • Hatchetman Revised (HCT-5S) Unit U
  • DropShip Site Command U
  • Dragonfly Prime (Viper) Unit U
  • Owens Revised (OW-1D) Unit R

Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 4

This is the last of the booster packs purchased separately from the booster box. The picture below was also taken during the day, hence a little brighter than usual...

Here is the list of the cards pulled in order of rarity:

  • Grim Reaper (GRM-R-PR29) Unit C
  • Unopposed Mission C
  • Inside Job Command C
  • Peregrine (Horned Owl) Unit C
  • Thorn (THE-N) Unit C
  • Linebacker B Unit C
  • Grasshopper (GHR-5H) Unit C
  • 'Mech Hangar Command C
  • Night Gyr B Unit C
  • Atlas (AS7-D) Unit C
  • Fanatical Leader Command U
  • Rakshasa (MDG-1A) Unit U
  • Targeting Ace Command U
  • Uller D (Kit Fox) Unit U
  • The Remembrance Command R

Friday 14 March 2014

Day 3

Today's pull had an interesting name for a rare: Booty Cache! =)

Here are the pulls in order of rarity:

  • 'Mech Trap Command  C
  • Dervish (DV-7D) Unit  C
  • Misrouted Command Command  C
  • Ryoken D (Stormcrow) Unit  U
  • Vulture Prime (Mad Dog) Unit  C
  • Stalker (STK-3F) Unit  C
  • Catapult (CPLT-C3) Unit  C
  • Man O' War Prime (Gargoyle) Unit  C
  • Com Guard Response Team Mission  C
  • Daimyo (DMO-1K) Unit  C
  • Corvis Unit  C
  • C3 Retrofit Command  U
  • Gunslinger (GUN-1ERD) Unit  U
  • Corridor of Fire Command  U
  • Booty Cache Command  R

Thursday 13 March 2014

Day 2

Opened the second pack (from the separate order).

The following were pulled, sorted by rarity.

  • Falcon Hawk (FNHK-9K1A) Unit  C
  • Hidden Reserves Command  C
  • Grand Titan Revised (T-IT-N10M) Unit  C
  • Blackjack (BJ-2) Unit  C
  • Gearhead Command  C
  • Vulture C (Mad Dog) Unit  C
  • Pouncer C Unit  C
  • Quickdraw (QKD-4G) Unit  C
  • Taking the Hit Mission Richard  C
  • Jenner IIC Unit  C
  • St. Ives Operations Officer Command U
  • Gladiator A (Executioner) Unit U
  • Blackjack (BJ2-OB) Unit U
  • Last Stand at Hanover Mission U
  • Ryoken B (Stormcrow) Unit  R

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Battletech CCG CE Unboxing: 4 Packs more, and Day 1

Another four packs arrived today. This was a separate order from the web. Therefore I now have 40 packs to open, instead of the 36 from the original box.

And now the first pack...

Here is the list of what was pulled (in order of rarity):

  • Overrun Mission  C
  • Fenris C (Ice Ferret) Unit  C
  • Veteran MechWarrior Command  C
  • Huron Warrior (HUR-W0-R4L) Unit  C
  • Tempest Revised (TMP-3M) Unit  C
  • Hunchback IIC Unit  C
  • Narrow Valley Command  C
  • Hunchback Revised (HBK-5M) Unit  C
  • Wolfhound (WLF-2) Unit  C
  • Black Hawk D (Nova) Unit  C
  • Redline Pilot Command  C
  • Blood of Kerensky Command  U
  • Assassin (ASN-23) Unit  U
  • Hercules (HRC-LS-9000) Unit  U
  • Simone Devon Command  R